ASI 3513 - Swing-Up Grab Bar - 1-1/2" diameter


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ASI 10-3513 - Exposed Flange (1 1/2" O.D) - Swing Up Grab Bar
ASI 10-3413-P - Exposed Flange (1 1/2" O.D) Peened - Swing Up Grab Bar

NOTE: This grab bar meets the Ontario Building Code (OBC) requirements for a swing up grab bar.


Swing-up Grab Bar is fabricated of stainless steel type 304 alloy 18-8. Grab bar tubing is 18 gauge x 1-1/2" diameter [Ø38]. Mounting bracket is 9 gauge (5/32" thick [3.8]) plate with seven (7) 1/4" diameter [Ø6.4] mounting holes provided. Bar has 1-1/2" diameter [Ø38] tubing hinge and a solid bar axle with adjustable friction sleeve balance. All exposed surfaces are satin finish. Structure is of welded construction. All exposed edges and corners are radiused and burr free. Tension for bar movement is accomplished by hex head clamp bolt provided. Grab bar is operable with only one hand. Bar mounting plate has a top arm stop bumper to prevent raised bar from banging into wall. Grab bar tube has a plastic end cap to cushion contact with wall plate in use position.


This unit is surface mounted. Installer/construction contractor must provide concealed anchor plate or blocking as specified in construction documents or as required by local building codes prior to wall finishing. Fasten wall plate to concealed anchor or blocking plate with appropriate hardware (by others) through each of seven (7) mounting holes provided. Install top arm stop bumper (provided lashed to back plate) on top center mounting hole as shown in diagram above when installing mounting hardware (by others). See "STRENGTH" section below. Note that concealed mounting plates or anchors and hardware are not supplied with this product. Ensure that mounting configuration complies with local building codes.


ASI grab bars are designed to meet and exceed 2010 ADA Accessibility Standards and ANSI A117.1 that fabricated product shall be of adequate strength to support a load in excess of 250 pounds (113.4 kg). Mounting to the wall is a critical part of the system to meet this requirement. The fastener system must be adequately sized to withstand the shear, tension or pullout, and torsion loads generated by the maximum loading.


Swing-up Grab Bar is lowered manually to horizontal position for support and raised for departure. Tension control prevents grab bar from dropping from the vertical position. Balance tension is adjustable by owner by tightening or loosening the clamp bolt. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure continued safe operation by performing periodic inspection and effecting any adjustment or repairs required as usage may loosen tension over time. Bumper provides positive bar stop at top rest position. Plastic tube cap closes end of bottom tube and provides smooth solid contact with back plate.


For non-slip gripping surface select the peened finish (peened on top bar surface).

Warranty: 1 year

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